Tag Archives: article

Writers Unblock


It’s been 4 years since my last post. Where have I been? Working! Developing concepts & characters. Writing scripts & dialogues for a living has been very fulfilling. 7 years on, this doesn’t seem to be enough. With little to no time to write about things that come naturally to me,I’ve decided to make the time. After all, you have just this one life to live & there’s’s no time and space for regrets.

Now that I’ve put this out there, there’s no turning back! Also, experimenting with a new style of writing, something I have 0 experience with is ROVE. I’ll be putting something new up every week on both my blogs at least once a week.

Have a look at my travel blog here: https://roveofficial.wordpress.com/



I didn’t know him. I barely even spoke to him. I know his history, I’ve heard of his sins.I didn’t love him, neither was he worth my hate.

He’s just been a presence. Around and about, just a mysterious haze. A visit once a year, a hello once in a while. Disconnected and disjointed, like a flower to its root.

Surprisingly, in his death I did shed a tear. As he lay there lifeless, I couldn’t help but think ; What if we knew each other? What if we tried to care? Would we have liked each other? Did we miss the boat, did we loose the opportunity? Of knowing one another, of being there.

We’ll never know what we could have been. We’ll never know an alternative reality. But, in your death I would like you to know, I wish we had just tried.